CONCLUSION: In some scope, the thickness of periodontal membranes of fixed abutments tooth has an influence on the stress distribution of periodontal membranes. 结论:固定桥基牙牙周膜厚度在一定范围内影响牙周膜内的应力分布。
AIM: To observe the periodontal tissue response to guided tissue regeneration ( GTR) in different period in order to explore an appropriate indwelling time of the barrier membranes after GTR. 目的:观察引导组织再生术(guidedtissueregeneration,GTR)后不同时期牙周组织的再生情况,以确定达到最大牙周组织再生量时屏障膜留置体内的合适时间。
AIM: To construct a three dimensional finite element model of the anterior teeth with its alveolar bone absorbed. The model includes enamel, dentin, cementum, periodontal membranes, cancellous bone, cortical bone, and so on. 目的:建立下颌前牙不同程度牙槽骨吸收后的釉质、牙本质、牙骨质、牙周膜、松质骨、皮质骨等组织的三维有限元模型。
CONCLUSION: There is a relationship between the stress distribution of fixed bridge on mandible posterior teeth and the thickness of periodontal membranes around abutments, showing cushioning effect. 结论:下颌后牙固定桥的应力分布与基牙牙周膜厚度在一定范围内具有相关性,表现为缓冲作用。
There was no change in the stress of the alveolar bone surface with the increase of the thickness of periodontal membranes when the thickness was more than 0.4 mm. 基牙牙周膜厚度大于0.4mm时固定桥牙槽骨表面应力不随牙周膜厚度增加而变化。
Conclusion: Carefully protecting periodontal membranes, keeping good fixation, preventing from infection and avoiding occlusal injuries are important factors for successful implantation of the dislocated teeth. 结论:细心保护脱位牙根面牙周膜、良好固定、预防感染、防止咬合创伤是再植成功的重要因素。
When the thickness of periodontal membranes was between 0.1 mm and 0.4 mm, the stress of the alveolar bones surface reduced with the increase of the thickness of periodontal membranes, and there was a non linear relationship. 当基牙牙周膜厚度大于0.1mm小于0.4mm时固定桥牙槽骨表面应力随牙周膜厚度增大而减小但非线性关系;
The amounts of both the acid phosphatase and carbonic anhydrase in the periodontal membranes of Pg-LPS injected rats were obviously increased ( P < 0.01). Pg-LPS注射的SD大鼠牙周膜中酸性磷酸酶和碳酸酐酶数量明显升高(P<0.01)。
Methods Epoxy resins were used to make models, periodontal ligament was made of soft materials, mucous membranes were replaced with silicone elastomer and abutments were made of selfcuring acrylic resin. 方法以硅橡胶为模具用环氧树脂作为模型主材料,软衬材料制作牙周膜,硫化硅橡胶替代牙槽嵴黏膜,树脂塑料形成基牙外形。
Effect of alveolar bone reduction on stress in periodontal membranes 牙槽骨降低对牙周膜内应力的影响
AIM: To study the stress distribution of rigid fixed bridge on the different thickness of periodontal membranes around abutments. 目的:研究固定桥基牙牙周膜厚度不同对双端固定桥应力分布的影响。